4-in-1 Physical Literacy Program

In 2011 we learned that children in our registered programs were spending less than half of their time actually moving and playing. We weren’t okay with that, so we got to work trying to change it.

The 4in1 Physical Literacy Program was born through research and innovation. We measured, changed things up, and measured again. We didn’t stop at activity, because being healthy means caring for your health — socially, emotionally, and intellectually.

Vivo has flipped typical registered recreational programming on its head. The 4in1 Physical Literacy Program builds confidence, competence, and skills that help children grow a love for physical activity, allowing them to make smart choices and become active for life.


What We Did


What We Did

Encouraging the development of confidently buzzing bodies is integral to the health of our communities. We developed a system that supports this growth better than ever before. The foundation for this innovative new program builds on evidence-based studies conducted right here, showing us exactly what is happening within Vivo walls and allowing us to shift our practices, analyze the results, and affect change. Consider the blind-fold removed. We’re looking at what is really going on and how we can better serve our budding citizens.

4-in-1 helps kids develop foundational movement skills like coordination, balance, strength and agility, and fine motor skills through four different environments: Ice/Snow, Water, Air, and Land.

Here's How We Did It

  • lesson plans that promote heart pumping activity
  • a consistent gen h instructor
  • social connections for children and parents
  • elements of play in each lesson
  • alignment with the alberta education curriculum
  • 4 environments in 1 registration


It's totally different than any other program and the results are outstanding.

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