Experience the Joy of Active Living with Vivo's Festive Fitness Challenge

What is it?

Be a part of our inclusive fitness community, where we champion wellness in every activity, fostering a spirit of togetherness and health by joining the complimentary Festive Fitness Challenge!

  • Each participant will get one game card with 24 different tasks to complete
  • Challenge yourself and your friends to complete the tasks in any order
  • After each task is complete, your Vivo instructor will mark off your game card
  • When your game card is full, write your name and email address on the card and submit your card to be entered to win a fantastic prize!
  • Complete as many cards as you like until December 24th! The more cards you enter,  the more chances you have to win!
  • Share your challenges with photos and video on social using hashtag #vivofestivefitness for even more chances to win!

All completed cards will go into a draw for a first and second prize! Plus, there’s a prize for sharing on social!

When is it?

Pick up your game card from the Fitness Centre starting December 1st! Contest ends December 24th.

What can I win?

Elevating your wellbeing in 2024 will be no problem with our amazing prizes!

1st Place Prize: Entry into the Vivo Revive program, featuring a comprehensive 12-week package of personalized training, customized workout plans, and nutrition advice (Value $756.00)

2nd Place Prize: Enjoy the benefits of five individualized personal training sessions (Value $350.00)

3rd Place Prize: Receive a stylish swag bag filled with enticing goodies (Value $150.00)

Embrace a healthier and more enjoyable season as we drive for wellness with the Festive Fitness Challenge. For more information, connect with us at fitnesscentre@vivo.ca

 Terms & Conditions 

  • Participants are limited to completing one task per class, but they are allowed to attend multiple classes in a day to accomplish additional tasks
  • Attendance for the entire duration of each class is mandatory
  • Festive items must be worn to class; however, participants are not obligated to wear them for the entire duration of the class
  • To receive another card, participants must successfully complete all tasks on their current card
  • Participants have the option to complete multiple cards, increasing their chances of winning with each additional card completed

    © 2024 Vivo for Healthier Generations | Vivo for Healthier Generations is a registered Canadian charity #88308 2117 RR0001 | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use