West Entrance Washroom Update
After consultation with the community and in consideration of the new facility floorplan it has been decided to revert the Universal Washroom on the west lobby to a Female Washroom. This decision comes after much deliberation as a team and as a community. Initially, this washroom was selected to be converted to a Universal Washroom to meet the needs of students and community members that raised a need for this.
After years of this space existing as a Universal Washroom in the West Entrance, it has now been decided to convert it back to a female washroom. With expansion, the facility floorplan use has shifted, and we recognize the need for a female washroom readily, and publicly accessible. Universal Washrooms in the fitness center as well as the Universal Changeroom will remain accessible to those who need them – simply ask our lovely Guest Services Team and you will be granted access to those facilities should you need them. Everyone should feel welcome and safe in Vivo’s spaces.
The space will revert to a female washroom on November 27th once signage has been replaced.
As always, Vivo is committed to working alongside the community and decisions like this are made with the voices of the community coming first. Should you have any questions regarding this coming change, please direct them to our guest services team.